Results of international credit mobility for Montenegro and Western Balkans under the Call for proposals 2018
Please find below results of Montenegro, as well as Western Balkans region as a whole.
Total number of realized mobilities:
581 (236 – students; 345 – teaching/administrative staff)
Incoming mobility – 361 (167 + 194); Outgoing mobility – 220 (69 +151)
8 121 (3664 – students; 4457 – teaching/administrative staff)
Incoming mobility – 5043 (2527 + 2516); Outgoing mobility – 3078 (1137 + 1941)
The grant awarded to Montenegro accounts for 1 716 037 euro, and 25 335 786 euro were awarded to Western Balkans as a whole.
Overall results of international credit mobility under the Call for proposals 2018
The total call budget for 2018 amounted to EUR 158 million, split into 14 discrete budget envelopes, two thirds of which for South Mediterranean, Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership and Asia regions. In 2018, 1,390 eligible applications were received. Ultimately, 962 projects were selected for funding. Over 45,300 individual grants will be awarded to students and staff. Close to 28,000 mobilities will be incoming to the 33 Programme Countries in 2018, with the remaining 17,700 (39%) of mobilities outgoing to Partner Countries around the world.